NCAI Leadership

NCAI members elect the organization’s Executive Committee - the NCAI President, 1st Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. These are elected by the entire membership. The 12 Regional Vice Presidents are elected by their respective regions. All board members serve for two-year terms.

Mark Macarro

NCAI President

Tribal Chairman, Pechanga Band of Indians

Elected in 2023 as NCAI's 24th President, Mark Macarro is the duly elected tribal chairman of the Pechanga Band of Indians in southern California. President Macarro was first elected to the Pechanga Tribal Council in 1992 and is currently serving in his 29th consecutive year as tribal chairman.

Throughout his tenure, President Macarro's vision for Pechanga has been to see the Band strengthen its political self-determination and economic self-sufficiency while maintaining its distinct and unique cultural identity.

President Macarro holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, is married to Holly Cook Macarro (Red Lake Band of Ojibwe), and is the proud father of four children.

Executive Committee

Members of NCAI's Executive Committee

The NCAI Executive Committee consists of the President, 1st Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and 12 regional Vice-Presidents, in addition to 12 Alternate Regional VPs.

At the 80th Annual Convention held in New Orleans, LA, NCAI elected the members of the 2023–2025 NCAI Executive Committee.

NCAI Executive Board


Mark Macarro
Tribal Chairman, Pechanga Band of Indians

1st Vice President

Brian Weeden
Mashpee Wampanoag


Leonard Fineday,
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe - Leech Lake Band


David Woerz
Chickasaw Nation

NCAI Regional Vice Presidents & Alternates


Brian Ridley, Native Village of Eagle

Clinton Cook, Craig Tribal Association


Michelle Beaudin, Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior



Leo Sisco, Santa Rosa Rancheria Tachi Yokut Nation

Jack Potter Jr., Redding Rancheria

Southern Plains

Reggie Wassana, Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma

Christie Modlin, Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma

Eastern Oklahoma

Joe Deere, Cherokee Nation

Brad Killscrow, Delaware Tribe of Indians


Lance Gumbs, Shinnecock Indian Nation

Rodney Butler, Mashantucket Pequot Tribe

Rocky Mountain

Jennifer Finley, Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes

Loni Taylor, Chippewa Cree of the Rocky Boy Reservation


Raymond Aguilar, Pueblo of Santo Domingo

Gary Lujan, Pueblo of Taos

Great Plains

Ryman LeBeau, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

J. Garret Renville, Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate


Leonard Forsman, Suquamish Indian Tribe

Steven Wadsworth, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe


Reggie Tupponce, Upper Mattaponi Indian Tribe

Lora Ann Chaisson, United Houma Nation


Randi Lone Eagle, Summit Lake Paiute Tribe

Warren Graham, Duckwater Shoshone Tribe

Previous NCAI Leadership

YearAnnual ConventionPresidentExecutive Director
1944Denver, CON.B. Johnson, CherokeeRuth Muskrat Bronson, Cherokee
1945Browning, MTN.B. JohnsonRuth Muskrat Bronson
1946Oklahoma City, OKN.B. JohnsonRuth Muskrat Bronson
1947Santa Fe, NMN.B. JohnsonRuth Muskrat Bronson
1948Denver, CON.B. JohnsonRuth Muskrat Bronson
1949Rapid City, SDN.B. JohnsonLouis R. Bruce, Mohawk/Sioux
1949Rapid City, SDN.B. JohnsonEdward Rogers, Chippewa
1950Bellingham, WAN.B. JohnsonJohn C. Rainer, Taos Pueblo
1951St. Paul, MNN.B. JohnsonRuth Muskrat Bronson, Cherokee
1952Denver, CON.B. JohnsonFrank George, Colville
1953Phoenix, AZJoseph R. Garry, Coeur D’AleneHelen Peterson, Oglala Sioux
1954Omaha, NEJoseph R. GarryHelen Peterson
1955Spokane, WAJoseph R. GarryHelen Peterson
1956Salt Lake City, UTJoseph R. GarryHelen Peterson
1957Claremore, OKJoseph R. GarryHelen Peterson
1958Missoula, MTJoseph R. GarryHelen Peterson
1959Phoenix, AZJoseph R. GarryHelen Peterson
1960Denver, COWalter Wetzel, BlackfeetRobert Burnett, Rosebud Sioux
1961Lewiston, IDWalter WetzelRobert Burnett
1962Cherokee, NCWalter WetzelRobert Burnett
1963Bismarck, NDWalter WetzelRobert Burnett
1964Sheridan, WYWalter WetzelVine Deloria, Jr., Standing Rock Sioux
1965Scottsdale, AZClarence Wesley, San Carlos ApacheVine Deloria, Jr.
1966Oklahoma City, OKClarence WesleyVine Deloria, Jr.
1967Portland, ORWendell Chino, Mescalero ApacheVine Deloria, Jr.
1968Omaha, NEWendell ChinoJohn Belindo, Navajo/Kiowa
1969Albuquerque, NMEarl Old Person, BlackfeetBruce Wilkie, Makah
1970Anchorage, AKEarl Old PersonFranklin Ducheneaux, Cheyenne River Sioux
1971Reno, NVLeon F. Cook, Red Lake ChippewaLeo W. Vocu, Oglala Sioux
1972Sarasota, FLLeon F. CookCharles Trimble, Oglala Sioux
1973Tulsa, OKMel Tonasket, ColvilleCharles Trimble
1974San Diego, CAMel TonasketCharles Trimble
1975Portland, ORMel TonasketCharles Trimble
1976Salt Lake City, UTMel TonasketCharles Trimble
1977Dallas, TXVeronica L. Murdock, MohaveCharles Trimble
1978Rapid City, SDVeronica L. MurdockAndrew E. Ebona, Tlingit
1979Albuquerque, NMEdward Driving Hawk, SiouxRonald Andrade, Luiseno-Dieguneo
1980Spokane, WAEdward Driving HawkRonald Andrade
1981Anchorage, AKJoseph DeLaCruz, QuinaultRonald Andrade
1982Bismarck, NDJoseph DeLaCruzRonald Andrade
1983Green Bay, WIJoseph DeLaCruzSilas Whitman, Nez Perce
1984Spokane, WAJoseph DeLaCruzSuzan Shown Harjo, Cheyenne/Muscogee
1985Tulsa, OKReuben A. Snake, Jr., WinnebagoSuzan Shown Harjo
1986Phoenix, AZReuben A. Snake, Jr.Suzan Shown Harjo
1987Tampa, FLReuben A. Snake, Jr.Suzan Shown Harjo
1988Sioux City, SDJohn Gonzales, San Ildefonso PuebloSuzan Shown Harjo
1989Oklahoma City, OKJohn GonzalesSuzan Shown Harjo
1990Albuquerque, NMWayne L. Ducheneaux, Cheyenne River SiouxA. Gay Kingman, Cheyenne River Sioux
1991San Francisco, CAWayne L. DucheneauxA. Gay Kingman
1992Arlington, VAgaiashkibos, Lac Courte OreillesMichael J. Anderson, Creek/Choctaw
1993Reno, NVgaiashkibosRachel A. Joseph, Shoshone/Paiute/Mono
1994Denver, COgaiashkibosJoAnn K. Chase, Mandan/Hidatsa/Arikara
1995San Diego, CAgaiashkibosJoAnn K. Chase
1996Phoenix, AZW. Ron Allen, Jamestown S’KlallamJoAnn K. Chase
1997Santa Fe, NMW. Ron AllenJoAnn K. Chase
1998Myrtle Beach, SCW. Ron AllenJoAnn K. Chase
1999Palm Springs, CAW. Ron AllenJoAnn K. Chase
2000St. Paul, MNSusan Masten, YurokJoAnn K. Chase
2001Spokane, WASusan MastenJacqueline Johnson, Tlingit
2002San Diego, CATex Hall, Mandan/Hidatsa/ArikaraJacqueline Johnson
2003Albuquerque, NMTex HallJacqueline Johnson
2004Fort Lauderdale, FLTex HallJacqueline Johnson
2005Tulsa, OKTex HallJacqueline Johnson
2006Sacramento, CAJoe A. Garcia, Ohkay OwingehJacqueline Johnson
2007Denver, COJoe A. GarciaJacqueline Johnson
2008Phoenix, AZ Joe A. GarciaJacqueline Johnson Pata
2009Palm Springs, CA Joe A. GarciaJacqueline Johnson Pata
2010Albuquerque, NM Jefferson Keel, ChickasawJacqueline Johnson Pata
2011Portland, ORJefferson KeelJacqueline Johnson Pata
2012Sacramento, CAJefferson KeelJacqueline Johnson Pata
2013Tulsa, OK Jefferson Keel Jacqueline Johnson Pata
2014Atlanta, GABrian Cladoosby, SwinomishJacqueline Johnson Pata
2015San Diego, CABrian CladoosbyJacqueline Johnson Pata
2016Phoenix, AZBrian CladoosbyJacqueline Johnson Pata
2017Milwaukee, WIBrian CladoosbyJacqueline Johnson Pata
2018Denver, COJefferson KeelJacqueline Johnson Pata
2019Albuquerque, NMJefferson Keel Kevin Allis, Forest County Potawatomi
2020Virtual (due to COVID-19)Fawn SharpKevin Allis
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