About the Event:
This is Marielba Alvarez from the National Museum of the American Indian. We wanted to let you know that we are doing a Native American Women Wikipedia Edit-a-thon to increase the representation of Native American women on Wikipedia.
The event is a free online training scheduled on Friday, April 23, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. ET
Link for registration is here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/native-america-women-wikipedia-edit-a-thon-tickets-147648724309
As one of the web’s most visited reference sites, Wikipedia serves as a starting point for many individuals looking to learn about art, history, and science.
However, less than 19% of Wikipedia biographies in English represent women, and less than 10% of Wikipedia editors identify as women. By increasing representation of Native American women on the site, your impact can spark the curiosities of future generations.