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WEWIN Women’s Leadership Conference
Jul 27, 2025 – Jul 30, 2025
WEWIN Women’s Leadership Conference

We, the Indian women founders, who have common values and goals, do hereby establish “Women Empowering Women for Indigenous Nations because we are committed and dedicated to the following purposes”:

To strengthen and sustain tribal cultures for the benefit and destiny of the children; To educate about tribal cultures, the history of native people, the inherent rights we exercise for the good of our people and others, and of current issues that affect our well being; To promote honest dignified tribal leadership who reflect pride for those we represent; To support and encourage tribal leadership;

To install a balance between service and solitude and between fulfilling responsibilities and devotion to loved ones.

To express encouragement, understanding, and joy to others dedicated to following the guidance of our creator and serving our communities as role models.

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