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March 25, 2014
NCAI: True Support Of Indian Country Only Possible If DC Team Changes Name
NCAI: True Support Of Indian Country Only Possible If DC Team Changes Name

WASHINGTON, DC – The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is encouraged to see that after decades of insisting their team name supposedly honors Indian Country, the Washington, DC football team’s owner is dedicating time and resources to the challenges facing tribal nations.

However, this Foundation will only contribute to the problems in Indian Country if it does not also address the very real issue of how Native people are consistently stereotyped, caricaturized, and denigrated by mascot imagery and the use of the R-word slur. For Mr. Snyder and the Foundation to truly support and partner with Indian Country, they must first change the name of the DC team and prove that the creation of this organization isn’t just a publicity stunt.

For more information, please read the following reports on the effects of the R-word on Indian Country:

Ending the Legacy of Racism in Sports & the Era of Harmful “Indian” Sports Mascots

The Harmful Psychological Effects of the Washington Football Mascot

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