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September 9, 2011
NCAI Urges Passage of the American Jobs Act
NCAI Urges Passage of the American Jobs Act

Statement following President Obama's Jobs Speech

Washington, DC - The nation's oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native advocacy organization, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), released a statement today supporting President Obama's Jobs Act proposal.

"NCAI applauds the President for taking action and supports the very real impact of the American Jobs Act for tribal nations and Native people. Over 20,000 Native American-owned small businesses would benefit from tax cuts and 1.5 million Native American workers will benefit from the extension of the payroll tax cut," said Jefferson Keel, President of NCAI.
“We applaud the Act’s specific investment in tribal infrastructure – schools, roads, homes –and our citizens – construction workers, teachers, and veterans -- to name just a few. Given the staggering unemployment crisis in Indian Country, for tribal economies the time to act is now and Congress cannot wait another minute,” concluded Keel.

The American Jobs Act as proposed by President Obama has the potential to fully utilize the economic potential of tribal nations. Tribal governments create jobs for tribal citizens and their non-Native neighbors from Phoenix to rural Alaska and from Mississippi to Minneapolis. As tribal governments make tough choices to spur economic growth and close budget gaps, NCAI urges our colleagues in the Congress to reach across the aisle, get this bill passed, and put America back to work.

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