Elected officials and advocates to call for members of Congress to stand with Indian Country during Tribal Unity Impact Week
Washington, DC- In a rare and impressive gathering of indigenous influence, American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian leaders will stand in front of the U.S. Capitol today and call for immediate action on the most pressing issues facing Native nations and people. In launching Tribal Unity Impact Week on Tuesday, the leaders will call on Congress to acknowledge and recommit themselves to the most pressing issues facing Indian Country.
“Tribes and tribal entities have patiently participated in the political process, but recognizing the urgency of these pressing issues, we are now increasing our call for congressional action,” reads a letter signed by twelve leaders from the nation’s leading tribal and Native organizations. “We call on U.S. Congress members to stand with us today, so we might stand together stronger, in the future.” Read the letter signed by the participating organizations.
Following a morning session with members of Congress on Tuesday, tribal leaders will gather for a media event in front of the U.S. Capitol titled “Standing Together for Tribal Nations.” The event will take place at 12pm on the Northeast quadrant, U.S. Capitol East (Senate “Swamp”).
Leaders attending the week of meetings are representing the unified voice of hundreds of tribal nations and indigenous communities from around the United States, including Hawaii and Alaska. The following organizations have organized the week of events; National Congress of American Indians, United South and Eastern Tribes, Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, Alaska Federation of Natives, California Association of Tribal Governments, Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association, United Tribes of North Dakota, All Indian Pueblo Council, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, National American Indian Housing Council, and the Navajo Nation.