American Indian Tribal Governments*

An Indigenous Approach to Community Wealth Building: A Lakota Translation

Assessing Political Economy in Native American Nations

Building on Abundance in Indigenous Communities (video)

Creating Sustainable Reservation Economies

Doing Business on the Navajo Nation

Growing Economies in Indian Country: Taking Stock of Progress and Partnerships A Summary of Challenges, Recommendations, and Promising Efforts

Indigenous Environmental Network: A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy

Rebuilding Native Nations: Strategies for Governance and Development*

Sovereign Resilience: Reviving Private-Sector Economic Institutions in Indian Country

Strengthening the Pine Ridge Economy: A Regional Equity and Opportunity Assessment

The Promise Zone Initiative and Native American Economic Development: Only the First Step Forward Toward the Promise of a Brighter Future*

The Renewing Indigenous Economies Project: Original Indigenous Economies (video)

The Renewing Indigenous Economies Project: Colonialism: Then and Now (video)

The Renewing Indigenous Economies Project: A New Path Forward (video)

“Tribal Capitalism and Native Capitalists: Multiple Pathways of Native Economy,” Native Pathways: American Indian Culture and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century*

Challenges to Economy Building: A Worksheet Exercise

Why Native Small Businesses Matter and How to Grow Them: Traditional Native Economies

Why Native Small Businesses Matter and How to Grow Them: Colonial Disruption and Its Legacies

Why Native Small Businesses Matter and How to Grow Them: Reclaiming Native Economies through Small Business Development

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