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Assessing Political Economy in Native American Nations

Determinants of Development Success in the Native Nations of the United States

Energizing Native economies: Tribes build corporate governance to spur investment and development

Growing Economies in Indian Country: Taking Stock of Progress and Partnerships A Summary of Challenges, Recommendations, and Promising Efforts

In Defense of Tribal Sovereign Immunity: A Pragmatic Look at the Doctrine as a Tool for Strengthening Tribal Courts

“Land, Public Trust, and Governance: A Nez Perce Account,” Reclaiming Indigenous Governance: Reflections and Insights from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States*

Rebuilding Native Nations: Strategies for Governance and Development*

Sovereign Resilience: Reviving Private-Sector Economic Institutions in Indian Country

The Nature and Components of Economic Development in Indian Country

Joseph P. Kalt: Sovereign Immunity: Walking the Walk of a Sovereign Nation (video)

NNI Forum: Tribal Sovereign Immunity (video)

Tribal Snapshot: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes

Melinda Charlo: The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Property and Procurement Policy (video)

Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Indian Preference Ordinance

Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Property and Procurement Manual

Char-Koosta News: Tribal business: Let us know who you are

Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes: Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (2021)

CSKT Economic Development Office: Flathead Reservation Business Resource Directory

CKST Indian Preference Business List

Tribal Snapshot: Tulalip Tribes

Consolidated Borough of Quil Ceda Village

Honoring Nations: Quil Ceda Village – The Tulalip Tribes

John McCoy: The Tulalip Tribes: Building and Exercising the Rule of Law for Economic Growth (video)

Michael Taylor: Nation-Owned Businesses: Quil Ceda Village (video)

Michael Taylor: The Practical Issues of Business Development – Some Things to Consider: When to Waive Sovereign Immunity (Or Not) (video)

Quil Ceda Village

Tulalip Tribal Codes

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